In conventional radiographic testing(RT), a source of X or gamma radiation is used to produce an image of the component on photographic film. It can also be used for other applications like casting and failure analysis.
Ultrasonic Testing(UT)
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) uses high-frequency ultrasonic waves to detect surface breaking and internal
Magnetic Particle Testing(MPT)
The magnetic particle testing (MT) method may application to detect surface and sub-surface cracks and other discontinuities.
Dye Penetrant Testing(DPT)
The liquid penetrant examination method is an effective means for detecting discontinuities in non-porous metals and other materials.
Vacuum Testing(VT)
The objective of the vacuum box technique is to locate leaks in a pressure boundary that cannot be directly pressurized. This is accomplished by applying a soapy solution to a local area of the pressure boundary surface and creating a differential pressure across that local area of the boundary.
Visual Inspection(VI)
Visual Inspection of Boom Crane in FPSO facility.
This purpose is to find out the external condition of the boom crane prior to repair at the selected location. The visual inspection revealed multiple holes in the boom crane. This method of application could direct or remote visual inspection.
Risk Base Inspection(RBI)
Risk-based inspection is the process of developing a scheme of inspection based on knowledge of the risk of failure. The essential process is risk analysis. It is the overall reduction in risk for the assets assessed.
Magnetic Particle Testing
The magnetic particle testing(MT) method maybe applied to detect cracks and other discontinuities.
Penetrant Testing
The magnetic particle testing(MT) method maybe applied to detect cracks and other discontinuities.